
Eco Church : Arocha initiative
In which churches take part in an eco survey, and work towards greening their church and caring for God’s creation , in the areas of
·       Worship and teaching
·       Management of church buildings
·       Management of church land
·       Community and global engagement
·       Lifestyle

And seek various awards for their Church.
A Rocha UK is a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world.
“Underlying all we do is our biblical faith in the living God, who made the world, loves it and entrusts it to the care of human society.”
Contact: https://ecochurch.arocha.org.uk/

Climate change and global warming have become issues of major importance
in our world today.

We as Christians are called to take creation seriously, where faith in a Creator implies a belief that the material world is part of God’s concern. A belief in creation leads us from the past and the present into God’s future, where the hope of redemption is for the whole of the created material universe.

Christians are taking an active part in caring for God’s Earth in various ways.


There are some organisations in Harrogate addressing these issues: the membership includes Christians, those of other faiths and those of no personal faith:

We can all take part in this initiative